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For the best quality of life
We will find the most successful and gentle way to give your pet the best therapy. For that we also use combinations of different therapeutical approaches.
- Detailed preliminary report
- General clinical examination
- Gain analysis
- Triggerpoint analysis oft he entire patient to detect every pain relevant aspect
- Digital radiographs of all pain relevant aspects under sedation
- Consil on questionable symptoms and findings with well known colleagues
- Additional blood- and further laboratory testings consulting an external laboratory
Goldacupuncture provides a gentle and permanent relief for patients with chronic and painful joint disorders. These include hip dysplasia (HD), ellbow dysplasia, gonarthrosis, degenerations of the spine as well as their resulting complications.
The success of gold acupuncture is based on a comprehensive diagnosis and our many years of experience. The pain symptoms of the patient must be fully assessed. This is achieved through a thorough evaluation of the individual’s medical case history, a meticulous gait analysis and a subsequent trigger point examination. For further diagnostic measures, we implement digital X-ray, puls diagnostics and additional possibilities if necessary.
Positive changes in the patient can be observed two days to two weeks after the gold acupuncture procedure. The pain symptoms decrease significantly or disappear, and the patients become more active.
Um den Verlauf des Muskelaufbaus und die Schmerzsituation des Hundes kontrollieren und beurteilen zu können, raten wir zu regelmässigen Nachuntersuchungen nach einigen Wochen und Monaten.
Neural therapy
In neural therapy, a local anesthetic is injected to treat acute and chronic disorders. Acupuncture is a technique derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which needles, laser impulses or the permanent implantation of gold are implemented in defined points in the body to effectively treat chronic pain.
Low Level Laser
Low-level-laser therapy is a pain- and side effect-free, gentle and effective treatment method, which uses the beneficial effect of bundled light energy. The aplications for this method include: Orthopedic ailments, pain disorders, preventatively and during the aftercare of physiotherapeutic and osteopathic measures, promotion of wound healing (e.g. post-surgery or in cases of wound healing disorders) and dental diseases. The absorption of low-energy light impulses trigger photochemical processes, which stimulate cells and tissues. This in turn stimulates the metabolism, resulting in an increased blood flow and oxygen supply. Toxic components and waste products are effectively removed from the body. Diseased tissues and cells with metabolic disturbances can regenerate sustainably.
Advice on physiotherapeutic exercises and applications
We will be pleased to advice you on physical therapy methods and find a physical therapist for your pet.
PRP, platlet rich plasma
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or more simply, platelet concentrate. This form of therapy has been successfully implemented for years in human medicine for the treatment of tissues that are poorly supplied with blood. In veterinary medicine, this method is used for treating damaged tendons, ligaments and joints. In dogs, it is a very good alternative to conventional joint treatments using cortisone and hyaluronic acid and supports joint regeneration by improving blood perfusion.
The principle of PRP is based on the particular preparation of autologous, regenerative cells, the platelets. Platelets are small blood cells, which are activated when injuries occur. They release particular messangers and growth factors, that organize wound healing. This trait is of particular benefit in the treatment of diseased tissue, sich as chronically diseased joints.
Prior to each treatment with PRP, the patient is thoroughly examined and the blood is tested to ensure that there are enough cells to ensure the successfull treatment. This blood analysis is done by your local vet a couple of days before our apointment. After the examination, the patient is sedated with a mild anesthetic and a particular amount of blood is extracted under sterile conditions. The blood is processed by a special centrifuge, which results in a concentration of the platelets. This is then injected into the diseased joint or tissue.
The patients can go home directly after the treatment. During the next 14 days, the dog should be kept on a lead. We conduct a follow-up appointment two weeks after the first treatment. The treatment can be repeated if necessary.
Advice on physiotherapeutic exercises and applications
We will be pleased to advice you on physical therapy methods and find a physical therapist for your pet.
Gold acupunctur is our area of expertise
Since 2004 Mrs. Wilms has been able to aid thousands of patients to enjoy a less painfull or painfree life.
Goldacupuncture provides a gentle and permanent relief for patients with chronic and painful joint disorders.
These include hip dysplasia (HD), ellbow dysplasia, gonarthrosis, degenerations of the spine as well as their resulting complications.
The success of gold acupuncture is based on a comprehensive diagnosis and our many years of experience. The pain symptoms of the patient must be fully assessed. This is achieved through a thorough evaluation of the individual’s medical case history, a meticulous gait analysis and a subsequent trigger point examination.
Wenn der Patient für die Goldakupunktur geeignet ist, werden sehr kleine Stücke aus Feinstgold in einer Leichtnarkose an die ausgewählten Akupunkturpunkte in die Muskulatur oder unter die Haut implantiert. Je nach kinesiologischer Testung werden in Ausnahmefällen auch andere Metalle verwendet. Hierbei kommt besonders im Bereich von Narben auch Platin zum Einsatz. Weißgold oder Silber werden ebenfalls, allerdings sehr selten benötigt.
Nach der Goldakupunktur werden die Implantate durch die Bewegung des Patienten an ihrem Akupunkturpunkt im Weichteilgewebe passiv bewegt und durch diesen „mechanischen Konflikt“ kommt es zur Stimulierung des Akupunkturpunktes. Die ersten Veränderungen können in den meisten Fällen nach zwei Tagen bis zwei Wochen am Patienten beobachtet werden. Die Schmerzen nehmen deutlich ab oder verschwinden und die Patienten werden aktiver.
Die tatsächliche Akupunkturstimulation findet nur statt, wenn der Patient sich bewegt. Hierdurch ist eine Überstimulierung oder eine zu starke Stimulierung nicht zu befürchten.
Da es sich bei den verwendeten Implantaten zwar um 24karätige Golddrahtstücke , und daher eben auch um Fremdkörper handelt, können diese ihre Lage im Körper verändern. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit hierfür liegt bei ca. 1 Promille (also 1 Stück von 1000).
Um den Verlauf des Muskelaufbaus und die Schmerzsituation des Hundes kontrollieren und beurteilen zu können, raten wir zu regelmässigen Nachuntersuchungen nach einigen Wochen und Monaten.
Wo absolute Schmerzfreiheit nicht erreichbar ist, ist das Ziel der Therapie die größtmögliche Reduktion der Schmerzen und Beratung zu ergänzenden Möglichkeiten, wie z.B. Physiotherapie oder Futterergänzungsmitteln.
Da es sich bei den Implantaten um Fremdkörper